
2023.11.13-15 USE 2023 in Toyama に参加してきました!Report of paticipation to USE 2023

Xia Mingqian

From 2023.11.13-15, the Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics (USE) was held in Toyama International Conference Center.
This time, many “first time” for me to experience, besides the first time for travelling to Toyama, this is also the first time I experience the long trip with trains in Japan. This is the first time I take JR for over 3 hours in Japan and the first time I take Shinkansen. Not like Chinese high-speed train in which all the seats need reservations, some of the seats in Shinkansen is free for the passenger to seat and reservation is not required. We took JR line from Shin-Osaka station to Kanazawa, and then take Shinkansen to Toyama, this trip is about academy but also about the sight on the way.
After we arrived in Toyama, we took a very special train, which is only about 15 meters in length, this type of train running on the ground as a kind of public transport. This kind of train running at the center of the road with many other vehicles. It is hardly to find this kind of train in Osaka. But from this train in Toyama, I recalled that a type of train worked in Portland, United States of America, which is similar to the train we have seen in Toyama. The railway and the arrangement of the buildings of Toyama City makes it be like the city of Portland. It is very happy to see these trains in Toyama again.
From the city of Toyama, we can see the sight of the mountain in the south direction of the city which is very far from the urban area. At that time, the top of the mountain was covered with snow. However, because of the preparation of my oral presentation in the second afternoon, I didn’t go other places to have a trip. But at this time, I was deeply impressed by this very clean and historical city, it is worthy to come here for trip again.
On the first day, Nov. 13th, 5 students in our laboratory had the poster presentation in the afternoon. Because of the schedule, we came to Toyama city in the morning and arrived at the city in the noon, so we didn’t attend the opening ceremony. We came to a restaurant for eating some Ramen and then put our luggage in the hotel and then directly come to the conference center. We attached the posters on the poster board together and waited for the beginning of the poster session. During the waiting time, I go around the poster session area and saw around every poster to prepare for asking questions for the presenters. After the poster session started, many people came to the posters and started to ask questions to the poster presenters. I also got some information about the recent research progress in phased array technology, which is relating to my research now. After the presentation on the first day, our group had a dinner in a restaurant near the conference center, the meals were very delicious for me.
My presentation is on second day, so I stay at hotel to prepare my presentation from the time I got up in the morning on the second day at around 9 am. I prepared the presentation in the morning and then went to the conference center. My presentation is smoothly finished. Then I talked with another 2 presenters, one was a Japanese person from Kumamoto University, the other was from Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan. To some extent, there are some points I can learn from their research, so it will be helpful to review the information of their research from some online material.
What is different from the conference of ICU is that in this conference, the presenters include the researchers from National Defense Institute of Japan, which is relating to the Japanese military. As a foreigner, I thought that I might not be able to listen to the presentation from that researcher with the background of military. However, actually this presentation is allowed to be presented publicly, so I can also listen to this presentation.
By taking part in this conference, I can get the information about the latest research progress from other researchers. In which way I can improve and optimize my research plan from the progress and results from other research. Although this can also be done by reading papers from these researchers, attending the conference and directly talking to other researchers can get some ideas from them which have not been or will not be published. Meanwhile, some of the workers like HR from the companies in relating field will also attend the conference so it will be helpful for us to get more information of job hunting if we can talk with HR workers from many companies.






 11/13-11/15で富山国際会議場において開催された,第44回超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム(USE 2023)に参加・発表してきました.私は一日目のポスターセッションにて発表を行いました.普段とは異なる視点での質問も多く,研究のアイデアにもつながりました.また,三日分の旅費を頂き,他のセッションも聴講してきました.超音波に関連した研究が集結する学会としては規模の大きいものであり,同じ超音波を用いる研究であっても,様々な切り口が見られ,興味深かったです.

